Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Note Concerning 5:45 AM

So this morning I had to wake up at 5:45am to do my Philosophy homework and I, shockingly, actually did wake up that early. I just thought I'd write a quick note about it because, I kid you not, I thought this would be the death of me. However, my results have been quite different.

I set my alarm clock for once, which was nice because I got to wake up to "1,2,3,4" by Plain White T's. ^_^ Because I woke up happy I was able to force myself to turn on my light and get up. (This may not sound like much, but trust me it's near impossible to convince myself to get up in the morning unless I'm already late.) Because I got up early I got to read the next chapter in Zechariah and the first chapter of 1 Corinthians which, let me tell you, is about as thick as a Cook-Out shake when it's 5:45am. Because I did this, I was able to do my Philosophy homework and do it well. (while waiting for Kelsey to shower.) Because I did my homework I probably still have a 100% average in Philosophy. Because of all this I was able to be right on time getting out of the house and actually got to class a little early. (A first for my 8:30am class which I commute 30min every other morning to.)

Because of this I was able to think clearly during class and give some arguments which I'd say were fairly adequate about Plato's analogies of the "Sun" and "Divided Line." I even got to see a great logical proof for God's existence which the professor probably didn't even notice he was giving! Because of this I listened to some great music and praise God on my way to Astronomy, which put me in a good enough mood to actually talk to one of the people in our class and befriend them. (Which I'm usually way too shy to do.) This also led to me thinking clearly enough to get almost all the questions right in class and (just now) my first 100 for homework in that class.

All this led me to be in a great mood for work where (although there were some frustrating people as usual) I was able to keep my temper. This led to me deciding to eat my lunch outside by Talley, which led me to have a moment of awesome inspiration which led me to draw this awesome sketch which made me even happier!
Which led me to write this post.

Catching the drift?
Maybe I should wake up at 5:45am more often?


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