Monday, September 12, 2011


Hello cyberworld, it's been too long.

Meanwhile in Elyz's world: I've been in rehearsal for "The Philadelphia Story" which is turning out wonderfully and will be opening soon. I also worked on a 48-hour film festival this weekend for SparkCon.

I wanted to talk about the later a smidge bit.

I got to see the finished product last night and was thoroughly proud of myself. I was positively shocked. I mean I am never really truely proud of the things I do, I'm mostly okay at most things. But I'm not afraid to say I did really well with this character. And it feels phenomenal.

I haven't done hardly any film previous to this but I can assure you that I'll be attempting more in the future.

On the other hand I've got too many options. I could graduate in a year, technically. If not then than the spring of that year. It's time to be honest with myself and the world: I'm petrified.

What have I spent the past two years doing? I'm more confused than I was when I started two years ago! I thought that college was for--figuring out your niche. Well, it's not doing a very good job.

I began with two options of career and now I've got so many I'm not even going to try to count them. I keep praying that God will clarify what He wants for me, but it seems like He just throws out more options.

I know God has gifted me for a reason. There are jobs out there that I am right for and can bless others why is it so hard to decipher which ones are the best?

I'm not auditioning for Rent.

I know that much. This weekend showed me that God will provide the opportunities as long as I'm consistant in following His conviction. So I'm not even going to audition.

I've also learned that I've been afraid of the industry. I know, I was surprised too. I've been so scared of being asked to do something that I won't do and having to reject an opportunity that I've told myself I'm not good enough to even try. (Don't ask, my mind is twisted.)

Well, I'm not afraid anymore. If I have to shut a door, God can take care of it. I mean what kind of faith is it to assume you can mess up God's plans?

Conclusion: God, I have no earthly idea what you want for my life but I'll keep holding to what You've said and You can just figure out how to get me there, haha!

Today is a great day.

Figuring out the world one day at a time,

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