Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sink or Swim

The thing about risks have to actually be willing to lose something...

A logical thinker postulates: "Easy solution. Don't risk and you won't lose." But if you gamble nothing then you stand to gain nothing. I'm not saying if you play the game well you won't lose, everyone loses sometimes. And not necessarily everyone ever wins. But if you are a follower of Christ you've won the untarnishable everlasting reward and so you are that much more free to risk earthly things because you have something that can't be lost.

My dad started a Bible Study last night at our church based on the book Radical by David Platt. (No opinion as of yet, but I'm going to be reading it and am sure I'll have a review of it up later.) So far, Platt focuses on how Jesus doesn't ask us to play it safe. Not at all. Throughout the Bible Christ tells His followers to risk their entire lives, leave their jobs and families, and follow Him no matter what. (This should be offending you by now.) But instead we are content to live boring documentary lives?? Why, when Christ gives us this gift of an above-average miracle of a life, do we say, "No, that's really okay I'll just be a clone of everyone else. I really was looking forward to wasting my life away."?

(I get excited about this.)

“And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more!"
-Erica Jong

So starting today. I'm risking things. Because I know that if I'm persuing Christ, He won't let me fall unless I need to.

"Seek me [the Lord] and live."
Amos 5:4b


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