Friday, March 12, 2010

Life isn't fair.

"Life isn't fair. You see I...I will never be king, and you...*dark chuckle*'ll never see the light of another day..." *The Lion King*

So my mom is watching a Bible study video by Beth Moore and she's talking about how life isn't fair. I started out thinking selfish things like, "Yea I know!" and thinking about how poor and pitiful my life is...

She continued to talk about some Indian women she met on a mission trip and what poverty and devastation they live in. She talked about how she felt so guilty for living so well when they were stuck in such a terrible place. Ouch. I'm not saying my life is perfect but comparativly I have so much, it makes me feel so unworthy of what I have. If I cannot be content with all the many many blessings God has given me, how will I ever be happy? I have so much to learn sometimes, but at least He's there and always will be.

"Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice."

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