Thursday, August 27, 2009



I am sitting in my MA 103 class right now it is 8:06, the class begins at 8:30... So today my thought is on time management. I have been late twice so far to my first mon., wed., fri. class, and very very early to this class (for now the second time). I have also been early to Amadeus practice twice and cutting it close once. I don't know what it is, but I just can't seem to hit it right on time or like 5 min. early.

I've been on time everyday for work, thankfully, but between judging times for buses and times for walking and all that, I've become mostly boggled.

Oh! Another fun fact: I slept through last night without tossing and turning for the first night since I've arrived here on campus! Which is kindof bitter-sweet.

I'll post the continuation of this while at work, most likely, or I'll be doing homework...

Thanks for listening!

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