I'll not only post days like the above "Day One", I'll also be posting random blurbs about how my life's going. So without further ado, here is the first of Elyz's thought blurbs...
Hi, I'm working right now. I work at an informational booth oncampus. I have finally graduated to being able to handle the booth on my own for the first time today. It's not hard at all. It's actually sort of fun. I'm listening to Jack's Mannequin right now and I think I may buy one of their CD's. My favorite song of theirs is definitely The Resolution. Look it up, it's amazing. The music video is pretty good too, Stephenie Meyer came up with the concept for it. Haha. I am NOT obsessed.
In case you didn't know Stephenie Meyer is the author of the Twilight series, of which I am a huge fan. But I'll probably divulge more of that later. I was just writing this so you would go check out Jack's Mannequin, because they are truely amazing. I found out that they're having a concert in October somewhere in Washington, D.C. The tickets are $25 per person. This is slightly depressing. I'm thinking I may save up to go see them but I'd need to find other fans to go with so comment if you like them!
Another great band is Blue October. They're in the same genre of music but definitely not the same. I've liked them longer but I can't tell which is better. My favorite song of theirs currently is Ugly Side. I may go compare the two. They are both pretty alternative generally.
So I guess I'll go pretend to work now. I may post a picture of this awesome red button for you all to see. Just because it's so epic in nature.
the bored,
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