Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Little Perspective

So I know I need to write about something, but I'm not sure exactly what.

A friend, who I really doubt will end up reading this, posted today on Facebook a rhetorical question asking what people do when they wake up one day and all their goals are met. Well, I know it was meant to be rhetorical, but seeing as I can't find anything to write about I guess I'll just answer it.

When I wake up one day in the far distant future and I look at my husband, my children, my life, and I ask myself what now? The answer will be Christ. I'm slowly discovering perhaps a sliver of the bigger picture of my tiny thread of a life. I'm learning that this whole experience is only my engagement. I'm going to marry the King of Glory one day. So how can my life not be a wonderful bittersweet falling in love time with Christ? Even when I have my best friend and my unimaginable children and perhaps even a career or something else, I will never be satisfied until I'm in the arms of my Love. These tiny vicotries shed light on the reality of marriage and relationships for me and how different they are for me rather than those who have no life after this.

I used to hate when my parents said that they didn't believe that it would matter who you married in heaven. I mean how can you love someone like that your whole life and then it doesn't matter? But I'm beginning to understand...and as much as I will love my future husband and as amazing as our life here will be...I'm sorry but there is no man on earth that can compare to my Jesus. Spoiler: My Jesus wins.

So this is basicly changing everything. As it should. As I hope it does for you, cyberspace.

In waiting,

1 comment:

Poe's Young Thespian said...

I have never thought of it in that sense before. That our lives here on earth is our engagement. Wonderful to think about in that way. To think about the fact that Jesus is standing at the end of the alter to welcome us into His presence, and complete the union of I and Him, it just sets my heart at ease and peace. And joy overcomes me. Awesome insight.

Whacha looking for?