Sunday, December 12, 2010

As the plot thickens...

I always thought I understood the general outline for how my life was going to go. I understood since before I can remember that I was going to grow up and do averagely in school and then move on to some average college. I would then perhaps meet a strikingly handsome, strong and talented Christian man (presumably rich and famous but not necessarily) by some cliche coincidence (ie: me tripping and falling into his *vampirefast* arms). We would "fall in love" the next day and get married the summer after we graduated. After possibly taking a few years to travel we would have 2.5 children and raise them in a very boring subdivision. They would grow up and then we would retire and possibly travel some more.

What scares me most is that I was alright with all of this. This would have been perfectly enough to make me happy in life, which is pathetic. Which is why I have redefined what culture taught me to hope for.

I did graduate high school slightly above average and go to a slightly above average college. However I'm not okay with only a slightly above average life.

So I've created a Bucket List-ish.

I thought I would post some of my favorites from it and get ideas for more, so here it goes:

**Get into a Broadway show.
**Play a gig.
**Meet someone famous.
**Skydive.(although i have a paralyzing fear of heights.)
**Do something epic.
**Eat a bug.
**Give up everything for the Gospel of Christ.

These are just my favorites. (I have tons more)
So here we go comment below! (+500 pts. for ryhmning.)


1 comment:

Felicia said...

My dear daughter - you have NEVER, EVER been average in any way. You are extraordinary, out-of-the-box, talented, amazing, beautiful, and very intelligent. Never settle for less than God's best - set your sights on His will and your life will not be average. God has an incredible plan for your life that will be anything but average. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord..." you know the rest. I love you, sweetie, and can't wait to see how God is going to use your unique gifts to achieve what only He can do.

Whacha looking for?