Monday, July 25, 2011

Back at the Booth

Hello friends,

I'm back here in the US of A and back to the tiny concrete booth I live in from 9 to 5 every weekday.

There's so much to say and no words to say it with. But I'll attempt...

I've grown up so much over this summer and can say with full confidence that God is making me into the woman He wants me to be. He opened doors every single day for me to glorify Him and talk about Him with my peers and the people of the Czech Republic.

This is the second time in my life thus far that I've gone through days where I had nothing at all to cling to but Christ and I have to say it's incredibly empowering. I woke up every morning those first few weeks and brushed my teeth looking out over the Prague skyline and prayed that God would use me.

Praise God, He did.

I'm not saying I'm perfect or that I've become perfect by going but that I have changed. I can hardly recognize myself from the person I was before.

My mind is still blown that God used me to encourage a group of youth and their pastor who had narrowly escaped arrest and possibly death in Birma for their faith. In the Czech Republic.

I would like for all of you who do claim Christ to pray for them and their pastor Rocky and pray that God sends them Bibles in their own language.

I can't stop thinking about what God has done for me and others on this trip and yet I'm so afraid I'll forget. I'm afraid that I'll fall back into myself and let myself focus on angsting over guys and drama or preoccupy myself with trying to plan out my future when I should really just rest in God's love and peace, knowing that I don't have to steer.

Pray for me.

Praise God for all the amazing things He's done!

To be continued...

Whacha looking for?